Time is money – How a good training library increases a coach’s efficiency

This article will show you the superpower of working with templates and a well-developed training library.
Sports science agrees on the basic training principles, but there is still no golden training formula. Every athlete has a different athletic background and different physical and mental prerequisites. Therefore, the specific training units must be adapted to the individual circumstances (performance condition, season, injury history, etc.).

Tips and tricks for a well-organised training library

Individual and multiple trainings can be saved as templates in AZUM. By dragging and dropping, these can be reused at a later date or for other athletes. How to create trainings and templates can be found here.
In order to find your training templates quickly using the search function, you should give your templates a meaningful name. Successful AZUM coaches use the following scheme:

Sport_Traininggoal_Mainblock. E.g. b_Vo2max_5x4minEB.

Example: You want to plan a strength endurance cycling workout for your athlete. To do this, enter “b_Strength endurance” in your search and all your sessions will be displayed in an overview.

Continuous load increase - "progressive overload"

The same jogging round at the same pace day in and day out will soon cause any athlete to stagnate in his or her performance development. Therefore, the principle of continuous load increase is essential for every coach. In this training principle, slightly varying training is used over a certain period of time in order to achieve an adaptation in the body with ever new physiological stimuli. For example, the amount of training, the intensity of training or the combination of different training units is varied.

The weekly increase in volume and intensity can be easily integrated into AZUM. To do this, you plan a selected training with its specific stimulus in the agenda. The entries can be easily duplicated by dragging and dropping them with “Ctrl” (Windows) or “Option” (OS) while holding down the key.

By adjusting the training codes, e.g. by increasing the duration by five minutes or reducing the number of repetitions, a continuous increase in load can be mapped quickly.
Recurring workouts, e.g. the running workouts of your athlete on Mondays, can be saved as your favourite template by marking them with “Create template” and reuse them for your athlete at a later, meaningful time.

AZUM automatically generates a specific training “set” for all training sessions on the same day of the week and at the same time of day (e.g. training sessions on Monday morning).

In your agenda under “Templates” 🡪 “Sets” 🡪 “Pencil symbol”, you can of course edit these sets (the same functions can be found in the system administration).

Application example:

You want to extend your athlete’s endurance run by five minutes every week. To do this, open the respective training set (templates 🡪 set 🡪 “pencil symbol”), copy the sport code into the coming week and increase the training duration by five minutes. You can repeat this increase for any (X) number of weeks. If you then want to drag your original training template into the agenda, the trainings of the coming X weeks are automatically inserted. Of course, you can not only increase the training duration, but also the training intensities and the number of intervals.

Training blocks

Advanced coaches often use a sequence of workouts in their coaching to optimally address all the desired physiological systems to take their athletes to the next level. Simple sequences such as:
‘easy training’ → ‘VO2 max. training’ → ‘basic endurance training’, can be entered in the agenda and saved as a block by marking the days 🡪 “Create template”. You should also give your template a meaningful name here.

You can do the same for any number of training days. For example, a template for a ’10-day tapering phase’ before a competition.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at help@azum.com.

Good luck – Your Azum Team

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